Do we really grow up to know how the real world/and society really works,and whats in store for us
in our future!??
Nobody teaches the kids how bad, or cruel it can get out there as we all get older! We naturally do
anything possible to protect our family especially little ones!
In everything we do their will be pros and cons no matter where we are in the Universe! Start young go to school than work hard,date, find love,and eventually settle!
Some have a more difficult journey than others,but that would mean you in fact have a higher calling,not a bad life!
For the most part we all try to do well,stay positive,get along with people meet new friends/associates but
along the way theres also,always the negatives we unfortunately cannot ignore!
My cousin once taught me that there is always somebody out there who has it worse than you do!
Whether or not youre healthy,all we do is just keep trying,after all life is meant to be a battlefield
at times,especially in any workplace! If its health issues than Id recommend you find a good doctor,
that youre comfortable with! This can also take awhile,and I dont believe in neglecting health,or else you cant be there for family or for your career!
Not everyone asks for help,which I understand completely! We feel strange to ask even our own family/friends to help out,so we just seek out the right doctors instead!
I had a time in my life when I couldnt even be there for my own family not because I didnt love them
of course not,but because I was in a hospital twice with migraine attacks,anxiety, etc where I couldnt even work either,even though twice I had a job to go back too!
It was a devastation to not even be there for my own family! Though I had work to go back too,at the same time I was grieving for my mom as well,something that nobody is prepared for but we all deal with
grievance in different ways! At the end of the day each day dont forget to give yourself credit for trying
your best,after all thats the only thing expected from us!