Meeting people can be very challenging indeed!
Even at our workplaces nowadays notice sometimes it can be difficult in making new friends there as well,even though we spend so much of our time at work!
Some we can talk to so easily while others we cannot really talk too,or even approach!
Than there are also times youre attracted to somebody at work which can make things a little more difficult as well! If it is possible that you both keep it a secret and not really tell anyone,than its the norm
to go out on a date if you feel comfortable! Some do say that is how you meet your lover/partner is at a
workplace. Although everyone is so different not every person we like wants to date somebody at work,there are some who have their own rules on connecting with somebody personally,and would rather only date
outside of the workplace which is completely understandable! I have worked in more than one workplace where there have been couples in the same company!
I myself even dated from my workplace and have had good and bad experiences! Sometimes you realize you’re only meant to be co-workers or only friends and nothing more!
When it comes to even anything personal other than staying just friends manys time we can end up too disappointed than we are completely shut down when it comes to love!. One of you want more but he/she can get the wrong idea and only think you just want him for a one night-or weekend! Talking sexual isnt love is what Ive learned and even if you loved him or her when you were kids you learn sometimes it was only one sided,thats difficult to heal from.
Many relationships also are based on Karmic bonds which aren’t meant to last,like a Twin Flame whos our one and only true love! Some are lucky to find him/or her while others just look at their companion as a co-worker or just having somebody whos a travelling companion nothing more!
The battle of the sexes is always an ongoing challenge-all of us have goals-dreams and a passion we naturally go after..
Even a second chance not everyone will go after it and hold on-and fight to keep it and reconnect a bond that was once made! Not everyone has their sweetheart from High School that they marry!
Years can go by and you get that second chance but that person only teaches you that they no longer feel anything and just move on overtime,while the other might still feel so connected to you,and even still love you! Some sparks do go away,and sometimes the connections do die!
Love Sense: The New Science of Romantic Relationships Ebook | Digistore24
Relationships at times even with our own family can also be complicated,alot of us go our seperate ways and move to other cities! Half the time they relocate for a job,and than even with our siblings sometimes were not as close as we were when we were kids!
When you still have your parents than you are very blessed,we learn as we age that our mom and dad are truly the ones who have our back,through good and bad times! When my mom passed away in early spring of 2019,my family wasnt prepared for this loss,but yet no family is really ready for it!
I am grateful that I still have my dad and hes great with my 3 siblings and myself included! I actually consider my father my best friend too!
Best friends and true love they say are 2 of the most difficult to find and keep,but is possible with effort!